Green Smoothie Girl Flash Fast Review!

Hey all!

As you know, my #1 priority is my health. Recovering from cancer treatment this past year has been interesting and I’m keeping constant tabs on my health by checking my hormones and my stool tests regularly, reviewing my bloodwork, and taking my supplements!

I have been very interested in fasting, but always nervous to try it. There are many types of fasting and one that I thought might be doable for me was a modified fast. Basically, this type of fast allows you to eat some food within a certain eating window, but nothing else. This still allows you to get many of the health benefits of fasting while still satiating your mental need for food.

I chose to do The Green Smoothie Girl’s Flash Fast because:

1) I trust her and know that she put a lot of effort into this fast

2) She uses organic ingredients

3) It’s balance very intentionally to help keep you full while still getting results

4) I felt like it was “doable” for me


My experience

I chose 3 days and some friends wanted to join. The extra support was very nice! The flash fast allows you 4 protein shakes/day + 1 snack bar. These come in a flash fast pack, it’s not just any protein shake. They are very small. If you don’t add anything, the basic fast is 650calories/day.

If you choose the add-ins you are allowed, you get unlimited leafy greens, AND up to 1 cup of veggies like steamed broccoli, OR 1 cup of fruit.

I chose to NOT exercise throughout this because I wanted to get through it, and I also didn’t want to put my body in a stress state. So I chose not to work out the day before or through the fast. I did however, make sure I took long walks and hit 10,000 steps a day.

Day 1

I was nervous jumping in, but was surprised at how filling the meals actually were! I chose to start eating at 10am and stop eating at 8pm each day. I did also decide to have coffee because:

1) I’ve done many protocols in the past where I’ve dropped coffee for long periods of time. I know I can do it and I have no need to prove it to myself

2) I drink one cup of black coffee/day so it’s not like I needed to drop a sugar habit here

3) I knew that drinking coffee in the morning would help me extend me fast. And it did.

I woke up with a headache (obviously not due to the fast) and it hung on throughout the day but wasn’t too bad after the morning.

  • 126.8lb

  • 10:am vanilla shake+ flax + 1/2 banana

  • 1:30 1 cup peas

  • 4pm vanilla shake

  • 5pm broccoli

  • 6:30 2 chocolate shakes + 1/2 frozen banana

  • 8pm snack bar

I actually messed up day one. You are only allowed 1 fruit OR 2 cups of veggies. Day one I did both. PLUS peas are higher calorie than most veggies, so it technically knocked me out of the calorie goal for the day. But you will see, I still saw results. I ended the day with plenty of energy!

Day 2

The second day was a LITTLE harder- I woke up hungry and had to push through that. After I slowly drank my coffee and 10am rolled around however, I did feel like I could go longer. I take a lot of supplements in the morning through, so I wanted to stick with the 10am time to get those in with my shake.

  • 125lb

  • 10:15 Chocolate bone broth+ 1/2 cup berries + flax 

  • 12:45 Vanilla shake

  • 2pm 1/2 cup berries

  • 3pm EAAs

  • 4:20 Vanilla bone broth+ greens and cinnamon 

  • 6pm: Chocolate shake with cinnamon 

  • 8pm Snack bar

I had plenty of energy throughout the day. It was a little more difficult and I would have preferred to eat more but again, it wasn’t as hard as I would expect. I did choose to have a glass of EAAs to drink more water in addition to hopefully curbing hunger a little longer.

Day 3

I did NOT wake up feeling hungry like day 2. I also DID have a bowel movement day 3. While urination increased a lot day 2, I didn’t have a BM. I didn’t feel constipated at all, but probably just had less to process since my intake was so much less than normal.

  • 123.2

  • 10am: vanilla bone broth+ flax + 1/2 banana ✅

  • 1pm 1/2 raspberries

  • 2 chocolate shake with greens 

  • 4 chocolate bone broth shake with greens 

  • 6 vanilla shake

  • 8 snack bar 

Day 3 I had plenty of energy and a great mood! In fact, I actually had a really good mood and plenty of energy the whole time!!

IMG_6852 2.JPG

Day 4 (fast complete!)

I weighed in at 122.2 - Lost a total of 4.6 pounds, woke up NOT hungry and feeling amazing! Ate half a smoothie for breakfast, drank some coffee, crushed a workout and drank the other half of the smoothie.


Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at the weight loss. I had gained a few pounds prior to the fast, and while that wasn’t the primary reason I chose to try it, it was a very pleasant side effect.

I was also happy at how GOOD I felt during this process. I didn’t have major cravings, I wasn’t cranky, and I didn’t feel exhausted.

I chose a blend of the vegan protein and the bone broth protein. None of them taste AMAZING, but the bone broth protein had a sort of odd flavor to it. Again, not a deal breaker, it was all pretty good.

One option for your fruit is to blend a 1/2 banana with the skin on into a shake (you can then choose to do 1 cup veggies, another 1/2 cup fruit, or the other half of the banana later). I LOVED the banana option because it made the shakes taste great!

I give it a 5star review because the products are clean, organic, well designed, easy to use, AND I was balanced in a way that I was able to be successful AND feel good the very first time I tried it!

*I DO think that if you are not already living a pretty healthy lifestyle, that jumping into something like this would be more difficult. For example, if your current diet contains a lot of processed foods, high carbs or lots of sugar, then you may experience a lot of withdrawal and discomfort. If this is you you might want to try something like whole30, or Robins 12 steps to whole food plan first.

I am excited to try this again! MY goal is to do this monthly for the next few months - you can follow me my FB or IG stories for all the details :)

Top tips for following the fast

1) Find other people to do it with you! Community makes ALL the difference.

2) Spread out the meals fairly evenly. I enjoyed once I got to 2pm I could have a snack every 2 hours until I finished at 8pm.

3) Don’t work out. Many women DO, but I’m not a fan of the extra stress. Plus it increases your metabolism and makes it WAY harder to get through. I gained energy through the process and then crushed a killer workout on day 4 once I could eat.

4) Distract your mind. The whole process is much easier if you are working, reading, watching TV….DOING some sort of activity. I you sit around thinking about food its gonna get hard. So schedule accordingly.

5) PLAN your meals and set goals for the next 2-3 days after so you don’t jump into bad habits. Robin encourages you to focus on fruits, veggies and nuts…basically, go light and fresh as you reintroduce foods. My 4th day plan was a green smoothie with protein for breakfast, a big salad for lunch, and fish and veggies for dinner. Decide what your next goals are. Do you want to incorporate intermittent fasting regularly? Do you want to add a green smoothie a day? Do you want to cut sugar? Planning makes ALL the difference.

6) ENJOY the energy, weight loss, mental clarity and health benefits that come from what you just accomplished!

You can purchase the Flash Fast at Robyn’s website here:

Kylene Terhune