Mangos for Thanksgiving?

Hey hey Diva friends! WOW yesterday was a long but fun day!

Our morning began bright and early as we got up to meet the rest of my family for the annual Miamisburg Turkey Trot!!!


After the Turkey Trot everyone headed over to our place for a yummy brunch full of delicious yet GUILT FREE food! 

On the menu:

  • Bacon Tart
  • Fruit Salad
  • Chia and Mango Pudding ( recipe below!)
  • Sparkling grape juice 

After brunch we relaxed (briefly) and then began the preparations for dinner at my Mom and Dad's! It was lots of fun and the whole family was together :) We laughed, we talked, we shared what we were thankful for, we played games, and we enjoyed the day tremendously.

One recipe I made was quite delicious and so I wanted to share it with all of you! It's a combination of recipes from: and

My combo is below!



For Chia seed pudding:

  • 1 Can full fat coconut milk in a can
  • 1/4 ground chia seeds
  • 2 TBS sweetener (honey or maple syrup)

For the Mango pudding:

  • 2 mangos
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 inch of ginger


  1. Mix all the chia seed pudding ingredients together. Let sit for a few minutes and re-stir. Then refrigerate overnight
  2. Peel and cut the mangos
  3. Peel the ginger
  4. Blend the mangos, lime and ginger together ( I think there could be more ginger personally!)
  5. Chill
  6. Layer the puddings and top with toasted coconut, raspberries or whipped cream
  7. I doubled the recipe and made 10 servings. You could make smaller portions as well. This made about 10 LARGE servings.


What was your favorite part of Thanksgiving? I'd love to hear some family traditions or recipes you enjoyed :)


p.s. TODAY ONLY I'm offering a sale on my January gut health program!!! Launching January 15th, it will include 8 weeks of menus, recipes, tips, gut health protocols, and more! ANY participant will have the option to upgrade the program to include personalize gut health testing! For more details and the sale (ending at midnight!!!) Click here!
