I'm getting sick - now what?!

When anyone in my house gets sick, I JUMP into action!!! I would rather throw 10 things at it and be proactive immediately than get behind the curve and have a house full of sick people. Here are a few things we do when we are feeling under the weather.

This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


1) Increase immune supporting vitamins

I take vitamins and supplement DAILY. It’s quite a handful every morning, plus some support throughout the day. I you’re trying to be healthy in 2020 you should probably be taking some basics - see why HERE. But on top of that, when someone in my house gets sick, I may add a few or increase the dose on some that are more supportive to the immune system.

  • We take liposomal vitamin C - 2 squirts under the tongue for 30 seconds 2x a day. This may increase to 3-4 times a day when sick. I will also be getting vitamin IV’s before I travel that include B vitamins, magnesium and Vitamin C.

  • I add in elderberry syrup. A spoonful 3-4x a day.

  • Biocidin is an anti-viral, antimicrobial supplement I use with my gut protocols, but if we aren’t currently taking it and someone gets sick - we bring it back in. It’s a concentrated dose of herbs and essential oils known to support the immune system, kill pathogenic gut bugs and leave the good ones we need! (It’s INCREDIBLY effective).

  • Stay on or increase probiotics and/or add sauerkraut or yogurt (dairy free) too. This is especially important if you are fighting a tummy bug.

  • Depending on what’s going on sometimes we add things like Umcka cold and flu as well.

  • I often forget about this, but recently remembered to use my Ultimate Aloe ( that’s the brand) aloe juice. It’s antiviral and with this brand you can drink several glasses a day safely.

  • Recently I’ve also been eating 2-4 Brazil nuts/day. They are a major source of selenium and selenium deficiency has been connected to viral infections so - boosting selenium can be considered anti-viral. Eat your Brazil nuts! But 2-4 is all you need.

2) Bone broth

Bone broth supports your immune system by dosing you with lots of good minerals. In addition, it’s warm, soothing, and gut healing to boot. Homemade is always best, but other brands like Kettle & Fire or Epic might be more convenient.

3) Essential oils

I like to diffuse essential oils anyway, but if we get sick, I use thieves essential oils like it’s my job. A blend of clove, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus and rosemary, it’s a potent immune support and germ killer. You can roll it onto your wrists or the bottom of your feet, or diffuse it in your home. I like to use a roller on my wrists and diffuse it while I sleep.

If feeling nauseous, you can diffuse peppermint oil or add a drop of peppermint to your daily smoothie or protein shake.

4) Rest

I know it’s not always possible, but when it is, it’s smart to take the day off work, go to bed early, and relax as much as you can as soon as you feel like you are getting sick. Sleep is when your body recovers and if you are getting sick your body usually signals strongly that you need to get more rest. Id you respect that instead of pushing through, increase nutrition, and listen to your body, you can often nip it in the bud or dramatically cut back the symptoms or duration!!

I hope these basic tips have helped! Stay healthy my friends!



  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4288282/

  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161475499700059

  • https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02338/full

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5552930/

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6612361/