Easy "Cheesy" Broccoli Soup!

Hi there friends, if you don't know by now, I am all about fast and easy when it comes to food. While I expect my food to be high quality in both taste and nutrition, I don't want to slave away in the kitchen. That being said I came across this recipe, tweaked it, and wanted to share it with you!

This soup is dairy free, but somehow still tastes delicious, creamy and cheesy! The original recipe is from The Spunky Coconut and her cookbook Easy Paleo Meals!


  • 1-2 heads of broccoli 
  • 4oz of mushrooms sliced
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 cups roasted and salted cashews
  • 1TBS  grass-fed butter
  • 1 onion chopped
  • Fresh garlic chopped - 3cloves ( or to taste)
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • 1-2 tsp turmeric
  • himalayan sea salt
  • squirt of brown mustard
  • dash of lemon juice


  1. Cut the broccoli into florets and steam unit desired texture
  2. Meanwhile, blend the chicken broth, cashews, turmeric, mustard and lemon juice together until creamy. This is your "cheese" sauce! Add extra spices if desired.
  3. Heat up a skillet and melt the butter. Add the onions, mushrooms, fresh garlic and simmer until onions are translucent.
  4. Pour the "cheese" sauce into the skillet. Add the cooked broccoli. Add garlic powder, onion powder, and himalayan sea salt to taste.
  5. Heat through and Enjoy!

Make this your own! Throw in extra veggies, or even some shredded chicken! Post below if you try this - I'd love to hear about it! :)