Easy Protein Pancakes

Hey Hey there Diva friends! 

I woke up this morning and wanted some pancakes....so I looked up some recipes and decided to make up my own with what I have in the house. They turned out really well so I wanted to share :) You've probably seen the 3 ingredient pancake recipe floating around for banana + egg + cinnamon before....well, this isn't much more complicated.


*When cooking with plantains the greener the plantain the less flavor it has the more ripe it is the sweeter it is.


  1. Blend all the ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth
  2. Heat up a non-stick skillet and spray with coconut oil or melt some grass-fed butter
  3. Cook about 1/4 cup of the batter at a time about a minute on each side, but times will vary based on cookware and temperature
  4. Top with some pure maple syrup and pair with some eggs or Applegate breakfast sausages. Don't forget your Foursigmatic chaga coffee. Enjoy!

Get creative in the kitchen! Mix some blueberries in the batter, or if you really want to splurge, add some Enjoy Life chocolate minis


Have a good breakfast! Bye for now :)