Sugar Free (almost) Strawberry Parfait

Hey Hey there Diva Friends! 

I recently made this strawberry parfait and not only was it a HIT, it was sugar free! Well....sorta :) There was ZERO refined sugar but a little bit of maple syrup and honey sprinkled throughout. For most that are not on a strict elimination diet this would make a really great treat and get's healthy enough for breakfast if you would really want to do that :P

When I was thinking about what I wanted to make I googled (of course) 4th of July paleo desserts and lots of fun red white and blue treats come up - most of them using strawberries and blueberries for that patriotic look. Lots of parfait options came up which inspired me to make me own....


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Strawberry Tapioca Parfait



I made the shortbread, tapioca, and strawberry filling the day prior so they could cool completely. Then I assembled everything just before we ate them. I made 8 large parfaits and doubled the tapioca recipe but had leftovers. You may need to adjust amounts based on parfait serving sizes and number of people.

  1. Make the shortbread cookies ahead of time. Making them pretty isn't a priority unless you care how the decorate topper ones look. About half of them will be crumbles up so I made 24 balls, flattened them out and baked according to the directions.
  2. For the strawberry sauce I took 2 pints and cut them in half. Then I placed them in a saucepan over low-med heat with a few drizzles of honey and let them cook (stirring occasionally) until the broke down into a lumpy jam. You could continue to cook if you wanted a smoother sauce but I liked the lumps. Let cool in the refrigerator.
  3. Make the tapioca according to the box except sub out the sugar for honey and let cool completely. 

To assemble:

  1. Start with an ice scream scooper of tapioca pudding. Then scoop the strawberry sauce on top making a layer thick enough to see and differentiate on the side. 
  2. Loosely chop about 8-12 of the shortbread cookies and layer them on top of the strawberry filling.
  3. Spoon a little more tapioca on the cookie sprinkles and then garnish with a few slices of fresh strawberries and 1 full shortbread cookie.

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