Should you be worried about the coronavirus?

WHEW! this is a story that isn’t going away, and it’s creating worry in many….


So let me get straight to the point. Should you be worried about the coronavirus?

Short answer:

  • YES if you are elderly, have a low immune system, get sick easily, or live in an area where there are lots of cases.

  • Not so much if you live in the US, have a good immune system and take sensible precautions.

Let’s review some information:

Regular flu impact 2019 USA:

“CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season”

Coronavirus impact 2020

  • “Fourteen cases have been diagnosed in the United States, and an additional 39 cases have occurred among repatriated persons from high-risk settings, for a current total of 53 cases within the United States”

  • 6 deaths have been reported so far in the US

  • 2.3% fatality rate (mostly in immune compromised individuals like the elderly)

Look at the comparison. We aren’t freaking out about the regular flu, so why are we freaking out about this version?

Often, we focus on ALL the negatives…instead of offering free, supportive information on how people AT HOME, by themselves can boost their immune systems and take steps to completely avoid these issues.

To put this into perspective:

  • “On average, someone dies of CVD every 38 seconds. ... On average, someone dies of a stroke every 3.70 minutes” -

  • “In 2019, an estimated 606,880 people will die of cancer in the United States” -

  • “According to the CDC, 79,535 deaths occur each year due to diabetes. The number of fatalities related to diabetes may be underreported” -

  • MERS has a 35% death rate.

Every few months, the media latches on to something NEW that is an epidemic that will surely kill us all. We cannot live our lives in fear. What we CAN do, is make sure that our nutrition is on point, our immune systems are in tact, and that we practice good hygiene.

For sure, the rapid spread of this virus is something to be monitored and aware of.

Other Thoughts:

  • Coronavirus can only spread through water droplets that get into your respiratory system through your mouth or nose. If you wash hands and don’t touch your face or get sneezed on, you should be ok.

  • Poor nutrition can weaken your immune system or strengthen it. Start prioritizing what you EAT as part of your prevention plan.

  • When traveling, wipe down airplane seats, wear a mask (like to keep from touching your face, and wash hands with soap and water frequently.

  • Anytime your immune system is compromised, you’re in danger. The deaths you ARE seeing, even over in china, are primarily showing up in the sick or elderly. If you have a kickass immune system you can get it (just like any virus) and recover, or not even notice.

Things to boost your immune system:

  • Plenty of Vitamin D (naturally from the sun if you can get it, high quality supplementation if you cannot.

  • Vitamin C - liposomal supplementation, or vitamin IV (I would recommend looking into an IV if you have been sick recently or will be traveling). Here is a cool article on how China is using IV vitamin C to treat and prevent the virus. Thankfully, you have access to this in the states and can voluntarily take advantage of it!

  • Supplemental antivirals and antioxidants like biocidin, elderberry syrup, liposomal vitamin C, liposomal glutathione and olive leaf extract.

Things to do to just be careful:

  • IF you have a weak immune system, DON’T TRAVEL. Obviously. Be smart.

If you are healthy and choose to travel:

(countries are shutting down where it’s a BIG issue so that’s already taken care of…)

  • Wipe down the surfaces of your airplane seat and table with alcohol based sanitizer.

  • Carry an alcohol based hand sanitizer with you (you can make one yourself LIKE THIS with essential oils and alcohol)

  • Wear a mask when traveling - mostly to keep your hands away from your face. Wash it before using again.

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water. If you bite your nails or lick your fingers, STOP now.

  • Take your supplements!

  • Consider using portable diffusers with specific essential oils to purify the air in your home or on a plane. For example, studies have shown tea tree and eucalyptus are antiviral and can kill the flu virus. Some oils are even studied for treating respiratory disease (the coronavirus is primarily showing up as a respiratory issue)

So to keep it SUPER short and to the point, don’t freak out!!!! YES there are contagions, YES there are deaths, YES there are diseases that we can all get.

But guess what? STRESS weakens your immune system.

Be smart, and take the media freak out with a grain of salt. In 3 months they will focus on something new that’s going to kill you.


Do some other research!

  • www.drheatherpaulson.


Check out these additional articles:




Obviously take precautions- be careful when traveling. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP. Maybe as a positive result from all of this someone will stop biting their nails and washing their hands more

p.s. this article is in no way intended to usurp advice from your medical practitioner and is not intended as medical advice in any way. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns about your health.




