Supplements I love!

Over the past 3 years, I have really developed some FAVORITE supplements. I am convinced I’ll be on supplements for the rest of my life, and unless we have a massive overhaul in our farming industry where the soil becomes so incredibly nutrient dense again that all our organic produce is overflowing with natural nutrition, then I’m ok with it…

Over the past 100 years, modern farming techniques and industrial food practices, while providing food around the world and throughout the year, have lessened the nutrient density we get. Unfortunately, choosing organic doesn’t fully solve this problem, the soil itself needs to be regenerated. You can learn more about regenerative agriculture HERE.


In addition to nutrient loss, we are also getting exposed to more chemicals, herbicides and pesticides. These products are shown to be carcinogens, liver toxins, neurotoxins, hormone disruptors, allergens, and in microscopic doses, they kill off beneficial gut bacteria.

This leads us to the need for good supplementation. Even when we eat a whole food, natural, healthy, organic diet, it can be difficult to get the levels and variety we need. Everyone is different of course, but here are some supplements I generally like for everyone.

A Multivitamin

This is just a no brainer. Simple, easy, covers a lot of your bases. But not all multivitamins are created equally. Sourcing, quality, and bioavailability are all important. You want to avoid vitamins with folic acid, and choose a more available form like folate or methylfolate. You also don’t want chemicals, fillers flavors, or poor quality ingredients added in.

My favorite multivitamin is: Dr. Amy Myers The Myers Way Multivitamin.

Beef Liver

Beef liver is like nature’s multivitamin. You might see an increase in energy with beef liver since it’s packed with B vitamin in a whole food source. Additionally, it’s a high source of vitamin A which is great for your immune system and your skin.

Historically, tribal cultures prioritized organi meats since they were so nutrient dense. NOW, we are used to eating the muscle meat and avoiding organ meat but we are doing ourselves a disservice.

Often the organ that you eat is beneficial for that organ in your body as well - so eating liver is supportive to YOUR liver.

I can hear the questions “But Kylene, the liver detoxifies, won’t you be getting a lot of toxins?” No! The liver certainly filters and breaks things down for us yes. But in order to do this, it stores up a TON of nutrients in animals as well as humans. So when you are eating liver you’re getting a mega dose of beneficial nutrients that help your body function well!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to eat it. I like Vital Proteins brand and I take 4 tabs a day.

If you want to branch out to additional organ supplements, check out another brand called Ancestral Supplements.

p.s. quality is important - only get animal products or supplements from pasture raised grass-fed sources.


Unless we are intentional about it, we don’t eat very many fermented foods today. The most common food we may eat would be yogurt, and often the yogurt that is available is low quality and full of sugars. But a high quality fermented food is incredibly healthy for your gut!

Foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented veggies and high quality yogurts (I usually go for dairy free and no adde sugars) are great additions to your regular diet.

If you have ever had antibiotics, struggle with bowel movements, bloating or any other digestive complaints, a regular dose of a probiotic can certainly be supportive.

I personally love Megaspore Probiotic. This is a spore based probiotic that does not need to be refrigerated. These are natural strains that you would be exposed to out in nature.

Other probiotics can be helpful with different strains and perhaps even used in combination with Megaspore, particularly in cases where you have had a lot of gut damage or previous antibiotic use.

Vitamin C

We are some of the only mammals that don’t naturally produce our own Vitamin C. When we are stressed our need goes up and our adrenals burn through whatever stores we may have. Conversely, having enough vitamin C helps our stress responses and supports our immune system.

I personally like This brand of Liposomal Vitamin C. A few pumps under the tongue for 30 seconds 1-2x a day and you avoid any digestive discomfort from tablets in addition to getting it right into your blood stream.

Everyone is different and of course every protocol I create for client is unique. You can take all the supplements in the world but if you haven’t address food sensitivities or gut pathogens you may not be absorbing them efficiently. Work with a practitioner if you are looking for a personalized approach to your nutrition and supplementation!

Interested in working together? Set up a free functional health assessment call at the link below and let’s get to know each other!

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