Guilt Free Carbs?!

Hey Hey Diva Friends!!!

I've slowed down a bit on the blog posting recently because I've been focused on my Get Gutsy group, my new podcast and everything else in my busy life!! If you love reading blog posts though drop a comment and let me know what topics you're most interested in seeing!

Let's talk about carbs for a second. If you've followed me or know my story, I'm all about NOT dieting, and NOT restricting, counting calories, or portion control! Every time I've tried that it totally fails for me long term. The only thing I've found to work (that I think is the only thing that works for EVERYONE long term) is discovering your perfect #Youtrition and through that knowledge, eating intuitively. That means, eating when you're hungry, and eating what you crave! 

So back to carbs. They are your FRIENDS. Your brain, hormones, cell structure, and energy depend on carbohydrates (and fat but that's another blog post). To clarify, I always mean real food carbohydrates. I'm not talking about white sugar, cane sugar, or bread here. I'm talking about squashes, beans, fruits, root vegetables, and if you tolerate it, quinoa and rice! If you run on bread and sugar carbs then you are setting yourself up for blood sugar rollercoasters, insulin resistance and ultimately.....disease.


I don't believe in focusing on "low carb". But when you move from the S.A.D. diet (standard American diet) to a whole foods, nutrient dense, from the earth approach to nutrition, you naturally become lower carb. It just happens. You don't have to think about it. In fact, many who eat this way need to make an effort to INCREASE their carbs.

Stefani Rupert who is the founder of recommends that women don't drop below 100grams of carbs/day and that they shoot for MINUMUMS not maximums. In a society where we are brainwashed into thinking less is more when it comes to calories and foods this type of thinking can be shocking. But let me stop and ask is your energy? How are your moods? How are your hormones? How is your sleep? How are your cravings? Those are all clues to us that we are or are not getting the right nutrition. 

For women in particular we can really use MORE carbs than less when chosen in the right context!!!

So don't be afraid my friends....this recipe is CARB LOADED and you can feel GUILT FREE while indulging :) If you must, use it as a dessert, but in reality - let's have it for breakfast :P


Carb City Snack bar

  • 1 cup macadamia nuts
  • 1 cup pitted Medjool dates (packed)
  • 1/2 cup goji berries
  • 1/2 tsp (or generous pinch) of sea salt
  • Blend it all up in a food processor. It will look crumbly.
  1. Line a bread pan with parchment paper and pour the mix into the bread pan
  2. Squish it down evenly with a spatula
  3. Refridgerate
  4. Cut into 8 bars
  5. Enjoy!

p.s. Dates are packed with fiber, B vitamins, potassium, manganese and magnesium. Goji berries are rich in trace minerals that you need and nuts are a good source of healthy fats!

Interested in learning more about YOUR perfect #Youtrition, how to fix your gut health, ENJOY your food, and live a healthy LIFESTYLE? Join my second round of Get Gutsy March 18th!!!! Message me for details or click the link below to capture the early bird special by February 24th! 

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