Easy Shepherd's Pie

Hey Hey Diva friends!

MARCH 2nd?! Where did February go? Well, the weather might be crazy warm for February, but it's still winter in my book and everyone needs a good Shepherd's pie in their back pocket.

Due to some food sensitivities ( chicken, cinnamon and cinnamon) I've avoided making it for awhile. But when my husband asked for it recently I decided to make it work! 

We found it thoroughly delish! p.s. I said "easy" because I even incorporate frozen veggies - woohoo!



  • 1lb grass-fed beef
  • 3 heads of cauliflower
  • Grass-fed butter
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 4 stalks celery
  • Frozen peas
  • Frozen lima beans
  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • salt
  • pepper
  • ground cloves
  • ground nutmeg
  • Bone broth (turkey, beef, chicken)


  1. Cut up and steam the cauliflower until soft. Set aside.
  2. Turn the one to 350 and set aside a 13.x baking dish
  3. Meanwhile, heat up a large skillet and pour 1-2 TBS olive oil
  4. Chop the onion and place it in the skillet. Cook until it starts to become translucent.
  5. Chop 2-4 garlic cloves and celery and add to the onion mix
  6. Pour 1/2  a bag of frozen peas and 1/2 a bag of frozen lima beans into the onion mix.
  7. Continue stirring and mixing as all the veggies cook through. 
  8. Add the spices to taste
  9. Add the beef and cook it until browned through.
  10. Meanwhile melt 2TBS butter in the microwave
  11. Pour 1/2 cup broth into the onion mix and cook just long enough to mix and heat through.
  12. Pour the beef mix into the baking dish
  13. Add your cauliflower and melted butter to a food processor - blend until smooth. If you need a little more liquid, splash some extra broth into the processor and continue to blend.
  14. Spread the cauliflower on top of the beef mix and place it in the oven
  15. Cook for 1 hour or until the cauliflower is nicely browned.
  16. Enjoy!