Successful Traveling Part 3 - Hotels

Hey Hey Diva friends! This is the 3rd installment of my travel series  - if you missed part 1 - airport click here. Part 2 - driving click here.

Today it's all about the hotel and/or friends house you may be staying at. For this blog we are assuming you have access to a refrigerator at your location.


Having a fridge and microwave makes the biggest difference! This way you can stock up on all the good stuff. We like to scope out a grocery store or Whole Foods nearby and pick up the following items:

  • Veggies
  • Hummus
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Plantains
  • Sweet potatoes ( you can microwave them if the room has a microwave)
  • Sweet potato or root veggie chips like Jacksons Honest or Terra
  • tuna/salmon packs for lunches or snacks
  • Guacamole single serve packs
  • Almond/coconut milk
  • Green juices

You might also pick up a few things like a cold brew coffee you like, sauerkraut or a apple cider vinegar shot to stick to your gut health habits that you've incorporated at home!

Depending on where you might be staying you'll have access to a lot of great foods or none at all. Some hotels have an awesome breakfast and others make it truly difficult. If you think you'll have trouble accessing breakfast at your location make sure you think ahead and make some paleo muffins, bring some GF oatmeal (if you tolerate it), focus on fresh fruits, and green juices to get all the nutrients in each day!

If you have access to make breakfast or to purchase it, eggs, veggies, and fruit is always a great way to choose a balanced, fresh, breakfast! I will often use Shakeology as my breakfast when traveling as well - protein, probiotics and greens at least keeps me satisfied until I can find more food!

What tips or tricks do you have for travel food?

I'd love to hear them below!